Tribute to Mojo

Almost 11 years ago to the day was when this image of Mojo won an award that also happened to be the first photographic award I’d ever won. It was also when I was just starting out my career as a professional photographer. This image has featured on two of my business websites ever since and a gorgeously framed photo hangs proudly on the wall of my studio. It’s been exhibited a number of times, been published in news articles, has appeared in almost every speech or presentation I’ve ever done, and randomly went viral from my business Facebook page a number of years ago. It’s also my highest selling limited edition art print of all time.

It was by chance that I spotted him on the stair case, all confident and brave, cleaning up after having a snack to eat. You wouldn’t pick how timid or camera shy he was by looking at this picture.

This post is a tribute to Mojo, the most photogenic, triangular and shy cat I’ve ever met. He was a great house mate for the couple of years we lived together, and an excellent companion for his owner, John.

At the ripe old age of 15, Mojo has bravely walked over the rainbow bridge.

Rest In Peace, little big guy.
